Tuesday, April 27, 2010

The Ring To Go 3D

Paramount Pictures is developing a third instalment of The Ring franchise to be titled Ring 3D. After the global success of the first film, which raked in $249.3 million in 2002 and of the $161.5 million-earning sequel in 2005, Paramount will be hoping the 3D aspect to this latest movie will help it do just as well at the box office. Adapted from a Japanese film released in 1998, The Ring set a trend in Hollywood for English-language remakes of Japanese horror flicks and remains one of the few that opened to positive critical reviews. Starring Naomi Watts and directed by Gore Verbinski and Hideo Nakata respectively, films one and two centred around a young journalist investigating a videotape that seems to bring about the untimely demise of anyone who watches it. Neither Verbinski, who went on to make the Pïrates Of The Carribean movies, nor Nakata are lined up to direct the 3D sequel and as yet there has been no mention of any other names for the task. However, writer David Loucka is apparently on board and producers the previous Ring films' producers Walter Parkes and Laurie MacDonald are in negotiations to return for the third movie. What do you think of the idea? Will being in 3D add anything to the sequel, or should The Ring jump off this particular bandwagon? Leave us your comments below...

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