Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Rachel Weisz To Be Jackie Kennedy And Aronofsky Will Direct

Brunette beauty Rachel Weisz is said to be taking on the iconic role of Jackie Onassis Kennedy in a new biopic that has been circling for a while now. The idea of an emotional and telling portrayal of the former first lady in the day's after President Kennedy's assassination was first introduced by Steven Spielberg, but now it seems that director Darren Aronofsky will be heading the film, simply entitled Jackie. Aronofsky has directed several remarkable films in the past, amongst which are Requiem for a Dream and The Wrestler. He also happens to be Weisz's husband. Noah Oppenheim has penned the script, which portrays Jackie's life during the four harrowing days between her husband's death and burial. EW describes this time as, "showing the beloved Kennedy at both her most vulnerable and her most graceful." Although there is no word yet on which studio will pick up the film, it is unlikely there will be any problems marketing a package like this. Jackie will be the second collaboration between Weisz and Aronofsky, just a few years after having completed The Fountain together. Do you think that Academy Award-winning Weisz will do justice to the historic figure?

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