Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Cameron Douglas Sentenced To 5-Year Prison Term

One day after Michael Douglas’ plea for mercy from a judge for his son in a five-page, handwritten letter was made public, Cameron Douglas was sentenced to a hefty prison sentence, the result of pleading guilty to drug charges.

Cameron — Michael Douglas’ son — was sentenced to 60 months in prison plus five years of supervised release. He originally pleaded guilty to conspiracy to distribute drugs and heroin possession on January 27. The charges carried a mandatory 10-year prison sentence, but in recent weeks, his family – including grandfather Kirk Douglas and step mother Catherine Zeta-Jones — as well as Cameron’s attorneys asked the judge for a lighter sentence.

Michael and his ex-wife Diandra Douglas (Cameron’s mother) were visibly upset by the sentencing.

At the hearing, Cameron apologized to his family and loved ones for putting them through what he called a nightmare. He said he wanted to try and become a role model to his younger siblings. Cameron added that he believes things will be different in the future because he has the support of his family.

Cameron was arrested last July at a hotel in New York City.

In Michael’s letter to the judge earlier this week, he said the Douglas family’s own history with fame and substance abuse affected his son.

“I have some idea of the pressure of finding your own identity with a famous father,” Michael wrote. ” '‘I’m not sure I can comprehend it with two generations to deal with.”

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